Resources, Contexts and Capabilities


Resources are provided by the execution context. They are linear and should be recycled exactly once.


Dynamic capabilities: run-time objects that allow specific run-time actions. Structured linear collections of values + value-specific actions + limits on actions?. $$ Capability = (object, action, limits)$$ Capability objects usually allow narrowing down to a narrower capability (either consuming or uniqrefing their parent capability?). Or a narrower capability can be split from the parent (e.g. a buffer from a buffer).

Static capabilities:

  • rewriting code in a scope (e.g. async) during compilation
  • ensuring that some dynamic capability cannot be used in a scope (e.g. no core.mem, no core.alloc, no core.panic, no os).

It only makes sense for non-native, emulated/JIT execution. Already compiled native code can use them, but should not be trusted not to use other capabilities.

  • proc.memory: object: the entire process memory; actions: peek, poke, transmute. This is roughly unsafe Rust. This capability is special: having random memory access capability means having the ability to get all other capabilities as well. Can objects be reduced to specific buffers?

  • proc.alloc : object: heaps and their memory; actions: malloc, realloc, free.

  • proc.panic: object: thread, action: exit/abort/atexit; not giving this to a library gives you #[no_panic] in Rust.

  • proc.mmap: object: process memory segments, actions: mmap/munmap, listing segments of the current process and libraries, managing JIT segments, etc.

  • proc.lib: object: shared libraries, actions: list, search, dlopen/dlsym/...

  • proc.thread: objects: pthreads; actions: spawn, kill, synchronize;

  • proc.async: green threads, async/await? This is an interesting case: importing this capability changes how compiler generates code ("const-capability"?).

  • objects: stdin/stdout/stderr, actions: read/write/close.

  • os.fs: a list of directories + actions on them; ability to open/read/write files.

  • os.proc: interacting with other processes: getpid, fork, exec, kill, pipes, popen, ptrace; IPC?

  • os.time : a dict of clocks (walltime, monotonic, high-precision, etc) and timers

  • os.signal ?

  • os.user: objects: UIDs/GIDs, actions: getuid/setuid/setgid/...

  • net.dns: object: DNS domains or wildcards, actions: resolving DNS records

  • net.ip: object: IP endpoints, actions: getting ip addr/ip link info?

  • net.tcp: object: a TCP endpoint (IP endpoint + TCP port), actions: connecting, send/recv

  • net.udp: same as net.tcp

  • gpu.??? : access to GPU contexts, draw calls, textures, shaders, etc.

  • cap.manage: managing/introspecting capabilities themselves?

Static capabilities.

  • async: allows rewriting code of a scope into state machines at compile time.
  • no panic: statically guarantees that no panics can come out of this scope.
  • no alloc: statically guarantees that no allocations can happen in this scope.
  • safe memory: statically verified absense of direct core.mem usage.


Open questions:

Safe code built on unsafe code. In other words, interplay between capabilities and modules/packages. E.g. std.Rc must use proc.memory capability.

  • but it's in std, can receive this authority via std.init() or something. Then it decides which modules get proc.memory ?
  • Modules get a capability statically: capability might be present in a loaded package instance, but statically verified to not be used in a specific module.
  • Getting a capability via memory introspection: possible using proc.memory.

Capabilities might be indirect:

  • writing to a file on NFS causes network requests;
  • ability to write /proc/self/mem means having core.mem (no language is truly memory safe on Linux!).
  • Opaque data can smuggle dynamic capabilities through a module that prohibits this capability (e.g. passing a reference to an allocator through a no-alloc module)?
  • Any piece of code with access to capabilities can implement a Turing-complete interpreter that makes static analysis of effects undecidable in general and then provide its capabilities to third-party code indirectly. Is static analysis of capabilities feasible at all? How limited a statically-verifiable version would be?